Monday, November 9, 2009

November already!

Busy busy busy...always busy:)

I just love her...

That's why I like to squeeze

Brooklin is Papa's helper at the barn.

She was amazed at the washing machine.

Brooklin is Grandma's helper at home. Anything to do with water, and she is all about it.

Whenever her Aunt Ronda visits, Brooklin likes her to read books to her. It's quite comical watcing her inch closer and closer to Aunt Ronda while she is sitting on the fireplace.
Aunt Ronda taught her that her heart was located way down deep inside her

She's my bookworm...just loves to look at books.

Handing out candy for Trick-or-Treat in Union Mills. They are inseparable.
Here is Brooklin with her cousin Emily...Em's bound and determined to make them best friends...:)
Yay...finally trick-or-treat for Brooklin:)...This is one of my favorite pictures of her...just seems to sum up her personality.
Her outfit was so cute...thanks Granny!
Momma and Brooklin
We celebrated Halloween in LaPorte with Brandon's family.
Here she is with her cousin Addison.
Kai and Mason
I love it when I catch Brandon looking at Brooklin with a smile on his face! It makes me happy!
Here is Brooklin with her cousins Ava, Aiden, and Addison.
Brandon pulled them around on a wagon filled with hay. It's become a tradition, and the kids love it! It's nice for the adults too:)!!
Poor Brooklin...j/k...see what happens when Brandon knows I am going to take a picture.
I look REALLY excited...oh well. It was a great night. This picture was taken close to the end of it. It was a little chilly, but we stayed warm!

On Friday, October 30th, my friend Carrie had a baby boy: Quentin Alexander. We were so excited for the whole family!!!
Brooklin and I went to finally meet Quentin last week. He is absolutely adorable! I instantly fell in love with him:). Great job, Carrie! We are so proud of you!
He was 8lbs 8oz, 21 1/4 in long...Big boy! He's so cute!
Here is baby Q with his proud Grandma. So happy for you, Bobbi! He's going to just love you and Randy!...and Aunt Carmen:). Can't wait to come and cheer him on in little league!

Sometimes it's tough growing up...She's just not ready to give up some of her toys...even if she is too big for them. They just seem to be more fun now.
Plus...she matched her horse:)

Brooklin and her "other momma" Vaushna. She absolutely adores her! And so do I! I'd be lost without her!

And last but certainly not princess;)


L,P+B Penziol said...

God Post! Brooklin looks so tall! Love the halloween pictures

L & B

Quiet Strength said...

Yeah!! I love new blogs posts! She's adorable. The reason I can't have kids is b/c I would squeeze them...SERIOUSLY too much. the pic. of her as a lil' love bug where she looks like she's be sneaky is too cute. Brandon of course scares me in the one pic and I might have nightmares. Love the post though, your parents are so lucky to get to see her all the time and have fun with her!!

Lori said...

what a great blog about your little princess! and i have to say the pix of her trick-or-treating is my fav too! love the devilish look on her face! and the pix with emmy, i don't think brooklin is thinking they are gonna be bff any time soon! so glad you are a mommy, brooklin is very blessed! keep bloggin, i love readin, and commenting (i am obsessed with checking mine for comments all the time) nice seeing you at the banquet, even if it was just a simple hello! (at least i got see you, i NEVER see my bff:(

The Leedle's said...

YEH! Great post!!!! I of course love her halloween costume, but also love every other picture, ESP. the one of her being a princess on the bed...that's awesome! Love that she's attached to your dad's hip...that's fantastic...haha

It sounds like you had a COLD, but eventful Halloween...that's a neat idea that Brandon has of the hayride to people's houses for trick-or-treat..sounds like a good tradition to the kids love it.

ok--thanks for the update...loved it and all the pix. as always you look fantastic and the pickof you "so excited" looks absolutely wonderful :-) love ya