Saturday, August 9, 2008

Cubs or Sox???

Brooklin is still doing very well with the eating. Starting peas tomorrow, so that should be interesting:). Uncle Ernie is trying to make her a Sox fan....she's wearing a Sox hat in one of the pictures. I don't think her daddy would like that too much, but Papa would. We've been working at the sitting up and she is getting better. Starting to wonder if she is cutting teeth... that should be good times. She's so amazing. Everyday I just look at her and can't believe she is actually here in my arms. I prayed for her for so long and God actually blessed me with her. Not sure if I ever did anything to deserve her....but thankfully God gave me a chance with her anyway. I just am so proud of her. She makes me happy even when other things in my life get tough. I'm so lucky! Mommy loves you, Brookin!

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